About Fuel Off-Road
Fuel Off-Road has been around since 2008 when the company was established by MHT Luxury Alloys, which is one of the best companies in the off-road industry. Ever since its creation, Fuel Off-Road has been one of the best names in the game for off-road wheels, which come in more than 75 configurations to suit your style and performance needs.
Overall, the brand is all about quality, rugged style, and high-quality designs that will last you for many years to come.

Benefits of Fuel Off-Road
When we’re talking about the benefits of a wheel we have to start with the material. You'll find that many Fuel Off-Road wheels are made with durable aluminum that's been through a thorough testing process to ensure that they're able to handle anything you throw at them.
There are also one-piece and two-piece options to ensure that wheels are available for every price range. Their one-piece wheels, for example, are made with gravity casting. This is a process that involves pouring molten aluminum into a mold and leveraging the earth’s gravity to fill the mold and create the wheel.
Two-piece options are made a little differently with the barrel and spokes being two different parts that are bolted or welded together. Taking this even further, all Fuel Off-Road wheels are made and tested in the United States, so they're held to strict standards. Not only does Fuel Off-Road use strong materials, but their wheels are also lightweight to prevent you from compromising your truck’s performance.
Fuel Wheels also come in many different variations, so you don't have to worry about running out of style options. Some of the most popular choices include the Rebel, Warrior, and Assault variations. What's more, most of these variations are available in several different sizes to ensure that they can fit your truck’s year, make, model, and even the specific trim level.
Things to Consider About Fuel Off-Road
Fuel Off-Road makes some of the best wheels you can find but they're not perfect for everyone. One of the biggest drawbacks is the cost, which is slightly higher than Method Race Wheels, and this applies to most styles.
Fuel Off-Road wheels also tend to favor appearance more than some other aspects, so if you’re into racing or professional off-roading Method Race Wheels tend to have the leg-up there due to their precision. Unfortunately, Fuel Off-Road wheels also only tend to come with a one-year warranty.
About Method Race Wheels

Method Race Wheels is headquartered out in California, where the company was founded by racing enthusiasts who saw a cheaper alternative to quality wheels that you can count on. This is evident in their motto: Lighter. Stronger. Faster. While the company is newer than Fuel Off-Road wheels by one year (formed in 2010), they make up for this with decades of combined racing experience between the founders.
Benefits of Method Race Wheels
The biggest trump card that Method Race Wheels have over Fuel Off-Road is that they're tested and proven by racers. Whether you’re looking for an off-road wheel or a street wheel, you can rest assured that Method Race Wheels have been quality tested by people who know a thing or two about wheel quality.
While it's great to have your wheels tested by racers, this pro-racer mentality is ingrained in every part of the company’s process down to the materials and design of the wheels. Not only are these wheels more affordable than other brands, but they're made with lightweight materials that don't crack under pressure – literally.
Plenty of variations are also available, like Method Race Wheels MR312s, so you don't have to compromise on style to get the best possible performance out of your off-truck. You'll also see a lot of Method Race Wheel logos at off-road racing events because they're a popular choice for many professional racers, so these aren't your average wheels.
Method Race Wheels also tend to be more cost-effective than their competitors, which is impressive due to their superior quality for racing applications.
Things to Consider About Method Race Wheels
We love that Method Racing Wheels are some of the best when it comes to off-road performance, but there is a caveat there. While their top-rated wheels used in off-road events tend to be made with the highest quality materials and methods around, this level of quality doesn't always make it down to their average street wheels.
Another drawback is that their wheels are made in China. While they're designed and tested in the United States, they are manufactured overseas, which can be a deal breaker for some.
Fuel Off-Road vs Method: Which Is Best?
At the end of the day, you'll find that Fuel Off-Road and Method both manufacture wheels that can fit the unique needs of your build. We recommend going with Fuel Off-Road wheels if you prefer visuals and longevity, and Method Race Wheels if you need precise engineering for racing events.
Fuel Off-Road wheels also tend to be more expensive, so if you’re looking for budget-friendly street wheels that can handle a few trails, some of Method Race Wheels’ street-style wheels might be the right option.
While wheels are important, it's also a good idea to get a lift kit to ensure that you have enough room for whatever wheels you like. Plus, the extra ground clearance is a nice bonus when you’re going over rocks, hills, and even in the snow. Tires can also make or break any wheel configuration, so make sure you equip your truck with the right off-road tires.
Shop for both Fuel and Method wheels right here. And when you have questions about fitment, our sales techs are standing by to help.